Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Steve is off

Steve is officially in the Ukraine. After travelling for 22 hours he should have arrived sometime around 5 am alberta time (2 pm Ukraine time) today. I have not talked to him yet, so Iam assuming he has arrived and is safe.
Please pray for him as he visits all of the Orphanages, prisons, churches, and other ministries that HART works with. He will have many long days and a lot of traveling.
Steve's sister and family are visiting tonight for a few days and then my mom is coming next week. We will drive to Kelowna around the 15th and Steve returns on the 21st. 3 weeks is a long time. Please pray for us as well.
I would love to post some pictures but Steve took the camera... if I find one to borrow I will get some up of our summer adventures.
Thank you for your prayers.


Anonymous said...

Oh Lisa honey.... you are all in our prayers. I know what it is like to be without a husband for an extended amount of time.... trying that's for sure. We will pray for Steves safety and your sanity. I'll try to get a chance to give you a call so we can chat.