Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Winter is here!

We were so excited to wake up this morning and see snow. It wasn't so much the fact that it had snowed that we were excited, but more the type of snow. It felt like we were home in Kelowna. The girls had such a fun day being able to make snowmen, snowangels and snowballs. Who would have thought living in Kelowna we would have taken wet snow for granted. Well it sure was nice to experience it. Soon enough the cold, fluff that blows will arrive, but at least we will have a few cherished memories.

Here are a few shots of Katelyn enjoying the snow before she went off to school this morning:

Earlier this year Katelyn asked when Kisha's birthday was. We knew we got her in Nov. some time so we decided Nov 1st would be her birthday. Katelyn wanted to make her a tunafish cake. Below, the girls are singing Happy 9th Birthday to Kisha and Kisha is tasting tuna fish for the first time (notice the candle... we had to blow it out so Kisha wouldn't burn her wiskers). I feel like a horrible cat owner for never celebrating my cat's birthday or giving her anything other than cat food and treats in 9 years. Oh well, there is a first for everything.


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to Kisha!! I love your girls and their enthusiasm for life. Tuna cake in deed.

Jen Light