Sunday, March 8, 2009


We are so proud of our baby girl, who obviously isn't a baby any more.

Yesterday marked the day that Alexa officially gave up her soothers. As most of you know, we have had 3 soother babies, but Alexa has had the strongest attachment. I am sure this had to do with the fact that she teethed a lot longer and harder than her sisters, which caused her "need" for a soother to last throughout the day. Our goal with all 3 girls was to wean them from their soothers by the time they were 3. Katelyn and Naleah only had theirs at sleep time. On Katelyn's 3rd birthday party day she handed me her soothers and said, "here mom, I am 3 now I don't need them." There was no turning back, she didn't need them. Naleah didn't take one until 11 months and again only had it for sleeping. On her 3rd birthday we were in Edmonton and the morning she woke up she handed Alexa her soothers and said I am 3 I don't need them. So, we have begun preparing Alexa that when she turns 3 she won't have her soothers anymore.
Since her attachment has been quite different then her sisters, our fear was this would be a difficult task. So we thought we would prepare her early (she is 3 in May). She has developed quite a strong interest in Minnie Mouse since just before our trip to Disney World. So, this last week we started building up Minnie Mouse and maybe we should take her soothers to the store and use them to buy a Minnie Mouse toy of some sort. She helped me look on line and found what she wanted.
So yesterday, we packed up her soothers in her purse and went to Walmart. We bought balloons that look like Minnie, cheered like crazy and found the Minnie Clubhouse that Alexa picked out. She was so proud. She gave the nice cashier her soothers and in exchange bought the Clubhouse. We blew up the balloons in the van and had a "soother" party with hot chocolate and cheers. She was so proud....

That is until NAPTIME ~ yikes. Well she threw her minnie across the floor and yelled, "no minnie toy, you take back to lady and get my googers!!!" We decided to cuddle and watch treehouse and she fell asleep instantly, we were so proud (her first time ever falling asleep with no soother). Bed time was better in that she just read herself to sleep and she didn't come out all night!!! (another first).

Today's naptime she cheered, "no more googers", she read a book and she is in dreamland as I write.

We are so so proud of our baby. And she weaned before 3!!!! Way to go Alexa.

Next, step fully potty trained. She is 80% dry and for the last week has stayed dry most of the time and has been able to tell us when she needs to go, hooray Alexa.



Jen L said...

That is such a cute story Lisa. I can't imagine what the cashier thought when she was paid in soothers :).

The Bailey Crew said...

That's awesome! It's nice when our little ones finally get big - but sad at the same time because they're growing up way too fast!!! Good luck with the no "googers"!

Joan said...

I love how creative you are Lisa -- and huge cheers for Alexa!! Yay!!!! We're so proud of you.
Love ya,

The Nieboer News said...

Way to go Alexa!!!!!