Sunday, December 9, 2007

Katelyn's 6th Birthday Party

Yesterday was Katelyn's 6th birthday party. She has been planning it literally since she turned 5. Who to invite was a toughy, as she would love to have invited her whole class and all the people we have met outside of her school. We narrowed it down to her two good friends from Kindergarten last year as well as all the girls in her class this year. We decided to have a Party full of Magic. A youth in our church is an aspiring magician and he came to our house and performed a magic show for us. The girls loved it, they even learned their own trick. We also decorated magic hats and played some fun magician/rabbit games. The only thing missing was a real rabbit being pulled from a hat, we debated it, but decided we weren't ready for a pet rabbit.
Here are some highlights of Katelyn's day:

Here are Katelyn and her friends decorating their magic hats

Magicians in training

The Amazing Mitchell

Katelyn the assistant and Anissa the Magician

Our rabbit in a hat cake (quite the story here, will post pics of that at a later time, on a different camera), we also made bunny cupcakes

Katelyn opening gifts with her friends


Anonymous said...

So cool. I'm glad she had a good time!

Joanie said...

You are so incredible with your super good ideas! Looks like her party was a hit and they all had fun. See you soon.

Jen L said...

You are so uber creative. WOW!! Give Katlyn a wet slobbery birthday kiss for me.